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Middle/+ IT Project Manager

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  • Requirements:

    • Proficient spoken and written English (Upper-intermediate and higher), Ukrainian or Russian are necessary as well
    • Minimum 3 years of proven experience as an IT Project Manager in web/mobile application development
    • Technical background (experience or education)
    • Strong problem-solving skills
    • Experience in Customer relations management, Requirement management, change management, and Estimation techniques (minimum 1000 hours project)
    • Proficient in Agile methodologies and Project Management best practices
    • Ability to work in a multi-project environment
    • Exceptional customer service skills
    • Experience with seasoned teams (Middle/+), with the ability to motivate and build consensus
    • Multitasking abilities to handle multiple projects simultaneously
    • Demonstrated disciplined work ethic and openness to constructive criticism
    • Experience in pre-sales activities and roadmap preparations (a plus)


    • Gather and document project requirements and specifications
    • Plan, execute, and control projects
    • Resource planning and building relevant timelines
    • Allocate work within and between project teams based on task nature and complexity
    • Monitor team and individual performance
    • Build estimates for projects and milestones in collaboration with the team
    • Keep track of production milestones on development projects

    We Offer:

    • Full-time employment with flexible working hours after the probation period
    • Support from experienced PMs for applying theoretical knowledge to practical situations
    • Competitive salary
    • Paid vacation (21 working days per year) and sick leaves (up to 22 working days per year)
    • Training and educational events
    • Team building and corporate events
    • Opportunities to work on middle-term and long-term projects in legal niches
    • Engage with an experienced team (Middle/+ level).

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Добавлено: 18.05.2024
ID: 179283861

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