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Поліетилен РЕ-500 та РЕ-1000, лист, товщина 25.0 мм, розмір 1000х2000 та 1300х2000 мм

257 грн.
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  • Polyethylene PE-500 and PE-1000, sheet, thickness 25.0 mm, dimensions 1000x2000 and 1300x2000 mm, thermoplastic ethylene polymer, the most widespread plastic in the world. Polyethylene is an organic compound formed by the polymerization of ethylene. It is a thick, waxy mass of white, but for example, thin sheets of polyethylene are transparent and colorless. Resistant to aggressive chemical influences as well as to the effects of frost, plastic, has excellent shock absorption (not sensitive to impact). Heating to 80-120 C leads to softening of polyethylene, but solidifies when cooled. Polyethylene is used to make: Containers (jars, boxes, seedling pots, etc.) Plastic film (any packaging film, scotch tape) Pipes for drainage systems, sewerage and water and gas supply High-voltage and low-voltage wires (good electrical insulating material) Armor (body armor and armor panels) Geotextile Medicine (manufacture of cartilage and joints) In the construction industry, for the creation of building materials, special types of polyethylene are used, such as chlorosulfonated PE, cross-linked PE, ultra-high molecular weight PE and foamed PE. Welding of various products made of polyethylene has become widespread, which is welded by all known methods: resistance welding, friction, hot gas, filler rod and many others. You can buy PE-500 and PE-1000 Polyethylene from us, sheet, thickness 25.0 mm, size 1000x2000 and 1300x2000 mm at the most favorable price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any orders, helping to complete any construction work on time.


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