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Data Labeling Specialist. Remote

24 661 грн.
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  • Snap Inc. is a technology company. We believe that the camera presents the greatest opportunity to improve the way people live and communicate. Snap Inc. contributes to human progress by empowering people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world and have fun together.

    We are looking for a Data Labeling Specialist to join our big team. Along with the team you will work remotely with data assignment and have an opportunity to be part of AI algorithms development.

    What you’ll do:
    - Accurately label various data using a web-based platform.
    - Describe images and videos in English.
    - Segmentation of different objects and details in the images.
    - Review and select images according to certain criteria.
    - Conduct image research and create collections.
    - Follow established labeling guidelines.
    - Meet data labeling quality and quantity requirements.
    - Meet weekly labeling targets with high accuracy.
    - Adhere to data privacy and confidentiality agreements.
    - Communicate effectively with team members.

    Minimum qualifications:
    - Proficient in graphic editors, familiarity with different graphic practices.
    - English (Upper-Intermediate or higher). It’s necessary to have solid writing skills.
    - Fast learning.
    - Detail-orientation.
    - Result focus.
    - Creativity.
    - Team player — ability to work independently as well as collaboratively with the team.
    - Proficient user of a PC, MS Office or Adobe Acrobat, Google Suite.

    We offer:
    - Full-time/ part-time work depending on your capabilities.
    - Remote job.
    - Flexible working hours.
    - Great first job option.
    - Work in a team with experienced specialists.
    - A competitive reward for your skills, input, and results.

    Working conditions may include both full-time and part-time work, with a salary of up to 600 USD per month. Payment may vary depending on the amount of work performed.

    What are you waiting for? We are an equal opportunity place to work. Don't hesitate and send us your resume! Start your journey in data labeling and work on projects that change the world today!

    Contact - anastasya.chernyavaya@gmail.com
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Добавлено: 10.05.2024
ID: 179038805
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